Southwest Accounting Solutions, LLC brings years of audit experience to provide the following:

Preparation of audit schedules: Auditors will generate a schedule request during the planning process. This “PBC” request lists the specific schedules that auditors will need before they began an audit. We will help your organization by preparing all of these schedules so that when auditors arrive, they will have everything they need to have a more efficient audit.

Account reconciliations: Most organizations regularly reconcile their bank accounts. But many organizations do not regularly reconcile all general ledger accounts and for this reason, we are here to help you with the process.

Answering questions from the auditors: Southwest Accounting Solutions, LLC has deep experience in managing the financial audit process. Our team of experts bring years of audit and consulting experience. Assisting them are former auditors that specialize in the preparation of audit schedules and account reconciliations.

Are you ready to discuss your project? We'd love to work with you!